Are you having difficulty becoming pregnant?

While difficulty becoming pregnant can occur for a variety of reasons, it could be due to a blockage of the fallopian tubes. Hysterosalpingo-Foam-Sonography (HyFoSy) is a safe1  and accurate2 way to determine whether your fallopian tubes are open or blocked. ExEm® Foam is an innovative FDA-approved contrast agent that has been successfully used in over 1 million procedures worldwide and has clinically been proven to offer patients a gentler, less painful3,4  and more convenient diagnostic option in their fertility journey.

With proper imaging technique, HyFoSy has the ability to achieve accuracy greater to that of traditional HSG5, making it a better alternative for tubal patency assessment and diagnosis in women with known or suspected infertility.  According to the American College of Radiology, "Hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) in combination with 2-D or 3-D imaging has demonstrated improved accuracy of 93.7% and better concordance with laparoscopy compared with 2-D or 3-D air or saline HyCoSy for assessment of tubal patency." The ACR also states, "Although HSG has been historically regarded as the imaging study of choice in assessing tubal patency, it is only 65% sensitive and 85% specific for diagnosing tubal patency when compared with laparoscopy with chromopertubation, which is widely accepted as the reference standard for evaluating tubal patency."

Advanced Sonograms of Alaska is the first and only diagnostic imaging facility to bring HyFoSy to Alaska. Our sonographers and radiologists have the experience and proven track record of success to ensure accurate results.

    1. Exalto N, Stassen M, Emanuel MH. Safety aspects and side-effects of ExEm-gel and foam for uterine cavity distension and tubal patency testing. Reprod Biomed Online. 2014 Nov;29(5):534-40
    2. Ludwin I., Ludwin, A. et al. Accuracy of hysterosalpingo-foam sonography in comparison to hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography with air/saline and to laparoscopy with dye. Human Reproduction 2017, 32(4):758–69
    3. Wall DJ, Reinhold C, Akin EA, Ascher SM, Brook OR, Dassel M, et al. ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Female Infertility. Journal of the American College of Radiology. 2020, 17(5): S113–24
    4. Serrano González L, Pérez-Medina T, Bueno Olalla B, Royuela A, De La Cuesta MLR, Saéz de la Mata D, Domínguez-Franjo E, Calles-Sastre L, Engels V. Is hysterosalpingo-foam sonography (HyFoSy) more tolerable in terms of pain and anxiety than hysterosalpingography (HSG)? A prospective real-world setting multicentre study. BMC Womens Health. 2022 Feb 13;22(1):41.
    5. van Welie, N., van Rijswijk, J., Dreyer, K., van Hooff, M. H. A., de Bruin, J. P., Verhoeve, H. R., Mol, F., van Baal, W. M., Traas, M. A. F., van Peperstraten, A. M., Manger, A. P., Gianotten, J., de Koning, C. H., Koning, A. M. H., Bayram, N., van der Ham, D. P., Vrouenraets, F. P. J. M., Kalafusova, M., van de Laar, B. I. G., … Mijatovic, V. (2022). Can hysterosalpingo-foam sonography replace hysterosalpingography as first-choice tubal patency test? A randomized non-inferiority trial. Human Reproduction, 37(5), 969–979.